
Famous Quotes / Frases celebres:

Son enseñanzas o ideas que muchos famosos han tenido y han reflejado en frases, las cuales han pasado a la posteridad y pondré las que más inspiradoras me parecen:
They are teachings or ideas that many celebrities have had and quoted, which have gone down to posterity and I'm going to quote those that seem more inspiring to me:

Bob Marley

"The most beautiful curve of a woman is her smile."

Albert Einstein

"The mind is like a parachute, it only works if it opens."

Will Smith

"If you are absent during my struggle, do not expect to be present during my success."

"Three things cannot hide: the sun, moon and truth."

Martin Luther King Jr
"We have learned to fly like birds, swim like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living like brothers."

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